Sunday, February 12, 2006

An Ode to Gods Own Country Part 1

My good Friend Ash wanted this song for some competition. We learned this song in school and she 'politely demanded' me to sing and record the song for her. Thankfully, Neena came to visit me this week end with her hubby and we took some precious time out of our hectic week end and traveled down the memory lane to hum this…for the sake of our friendship, and of course due to genuine fear of threat ;)

Ash, the giggles and interruptions between the song was due to our naughty husbands sitting right behind us, and of course a couple of bottles of Johnny walker and Irish coffee as accompaniments… Please bear with!

this is an audio post - click to play


Anonymous said...

That was some singing, I should say. Pardon my lackadaisical malayalam skills for not having able to appreciate the song in its full beauty. Nevertheless, it was definitely worth a listen...It did tingle some part of my heart. Thanks

Aparna Menon said...

Thank you so much Mr/Ms anonymous :)

Anand K said...

Hallon... Guess who?!
Heard your voices after a long time. Mogambo Khush Hua! I discovered the narcisstic joys of blogging just recently and hopped into the Blogwagon. Now I am trolling the entire blogsphere and yours just happened to fall in the malevolent gaze of my evil flaming eye. Thanx Orkut.

BTW, I somewhat remember this song.... especially the tune, but I can't exactly place the source. Is it a movie sound track/poem? Where's this from? Nice one though....
Being in exile from Malluland myself, I hear the call of my homeland, flashing images of the sylvan lands of Kerala, the gurgling rivers, month long hartals and of course the Mallus tying and retying their Mundus every 75 seconds ;) This took me back several blocks down mememory lane. Thanx.


Anonymous said...

Hello, a group of giggling school girls! Took me domn the 'time axis'. Thank u

Aparna Menon said...

Dear AKS: This song was sung by the EE gals and some civil girls for a group song competition in our coll arts would have heard us practising it in accasia..:)

MSG: thanks and now u can climb up the axis back to the present

Videep said...


that was good singing...jus reminds me of my sis who used to sing at my home...well, its 2 years since i met her :)

Aparna Menon said...

Thank you so must ask your sis to put some of her singing in her blog !!

Videep said...

ya..definitely...she is right now in kuwait...she should be going to india this year...after which she should be having enuf time to upload them :))

Murali Venkatraman said...


you could use a better audio streaming service like And, are you two people singing the songs ? Good effort ! there is a small singing community in the blog and if you are interested please check out my blog where you may get details.


Aparna Menon said...

Thanks Murali

Actually i did use !!!

Anonymous said...

Tell u the truth, I dont remember the song... oh yeah!! thats right i dont sing....:)...
anyhow.. it was good singing...and the giggles reminded me the pigtail girls in school ...

keep up the good work!!
