Thursday, July 13, 2006

While I was Sleeping….

Its been a long slumber. In the blogoshpere , a sleep this long is enough to declare you brain dead and as being in a vegetative state.. A few kind and loving passers by even stopped by to pray for my soul and place some chrysanthemums on my coffin…When they began to write me an eulogy, I scared them away by sighing heavily, rolling over to my right side and blurting some random rants in the sleep..

It was not yet summer when I slipped into my hibernation…It was still cold outside and I felt be warm and cozy nestling under the comforters;

I was too lazy to pull off the covers and wake and start doing what was I supposed to be doing...Instead I was in constant denial that the only reason for my not blogging was that I had to prepare myself for some higher challenges and glorious goals waiting ahead…

Four months and a season change later, when my eyes could no longer resist the bright rays of reality poking its lids, I slowly opened them ,sat tight on my bed, still clutching on to my blanket and began to examine the new world around me.

Have I transformed into a beautiful butterfly with vibrant colors splashed all over my wide fluttering wings? ‘The mirror mirror on the wall’ and the weighing machine that I always hated confirmed that I have gained a few pounds.. My strange food allergies have caused my left cheek to swell up noticeably , my once long hair has been cut short above my neck and the fading colors of red, brown, black and blonde on my hair looks like a group of butterflies have just emptied a load of water from their Laundromat on to my head!!

When the legendary sleeping beauty woke up from her long slumber, there was a charming prince standing next to her bed…But when I woke up, to my dismay, I realized that the only man I had managed to blind with love, cornered to propose me, recite the vows and dragged on my finger tip where ever I went, has managed to pack his bags and escape to a far away land…leaving me to semi-spinsterhood. Now before you start sending me condolence notes and may be marriage proposals from 35 year old widowers too…let me explain…we are still happily united in holy matrimony and all that cliché. The new status change is because Mr. MD got a better job neat the “Vah-Beach” and we have to stay separate during the week days as both of ours career ambitions and love for intellectual pursuits don’t let us to be a house-spouse. Yes, in the new world, you have to stay closer to the one who writes your pay checks!!

On further ruminations, I could see that my bank balance has become way to lighter than what I remembered it to be…My closet is filled with clothes bought on sale, half of which I am sure I will never wear again.. My refrigerator has become a junk yard for frozen and greasy pizza breads and chicken wings. The entire apartment requires an emergency squad to tidy it up. Unanswered mails, unreturned calls, unvisited blogs, unfinished books…The list is endless

On the positive side my credit history has been certainly building exponentially..(It should after all that shopping I do..!!) My friends, who went back to India indefinitely, came back to a place much closer. For my office work I got a sexy and sleek little gizmo that I proudly carry around 24/7. As Mr. MD and I see each other only on the week ends, the amount of fighting, arguments and yelling at each other has reduced considerably and all that has given way to routine movie goings, romantic dinners and quality time together

Finally, the whole guilt of not doing anything interesting for some time was washed off completely by one group visit to the Sin City- Las Vegas with a group of equally enthusiastic and up for any game friends…Four days full of drinks, foods, party, dance, clubbing, strip clubs and innumerous naked women later…I feel much rejuvenated and it is time to bid adieu to my vegetative state….

Blog world…Here… I re-enter!!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Are We-Men Good Enough?

Yesterday I received a rather innocuous email forwarded by my friend. It came with a disclaimer “How to think like an M.C.P” and the story indeed portrayed how inane women are in comparison to men. I decided to give it the due neglect it deserves, but couldn’t resist forwarding it to a few good Samaritans who I knew would be jobless enough to appreciate enough!!

Just after a few ‘email seconds’, I received a reply from my good friend Mr. B. He, who proclaims himself as “Me De Man !!”, reveled at the wise content of the mail with a Mogambo like Muuuuaaahaaaha laughter. He stated that a recent research by a professor says that women are biologically inferior to Men in Scientific and Mathematical skills!! As Cartoons and PJs are the most controversy triggering topics du jour, I had to give his comment a befitting reply and thus a foray of emails were sent between the two of us.

Though both of us were indeed trying to score a point every time, some interesting thoughts did come up which I am glad to share with you. (I lost the first mail from Mr.B in this chain, but you still can understand the plot)

From : Me

I believe it is foolish to compare two entirely different subdivisions of the same species because they are created for entirely different purposes.

We never compare a cuckoo with a nightingale or a panther with a cheetah. Even if we compare, it never boils down to a mere superior-inferior break down.

They are simply different and they have different purposes in life.

It doesn’t make sense for man and woman to have equal skills in everything because then the very purpose of having man and woman separate doesn’t make sense. Remember certain animals can change sex during the course of their life pro creational purposes. So It has to be with a reason we are created the way we are and I wonder which university would fund such professors to spend time on such researches. He should rather use his superior scientific brain to find permanent cure for aids !!

From : Mr.B

My response below in blue.

I believe it is foolish to compare two entire different subdivisions of the same species because they are created for entirely different purposes.
It is not when one sub-division claims to and demands to be treated equal without proving themselves to be equal. If I claim to the world that everybody treat me equal to Einstein, then I have to prove that, else not claim or demand it.

We never compare a cuckoo with a nightingale or a panther with a cheetah. Even if we compare it never boils down to a mere superior inferior break down.
You are right, we shouldn’t compare a sparrow to a rabbit, but we sure compare a male rabbit to a female rabbit, if and only if the female rabbit claims the above point.

They are simply different and they have different purposes in life.

It doesn’t make sense for man and woman to have equal skills in everything because then the very purpose of having man and woman separate doesn’t make sense. Remember certain animals can change sex during the course of their life pro creational purposes. So It has to be with a reason we are created the way we are and I wonder which university wud fund such professors to spend time on such researches. He shud rather use his superior scientific brain to find permanent cure for aids !!
I agree and not only animals, these days, even human beings are doing that. The university is Harvard itself and he is not just a professor but the president (not anymore) of Harvard. Instead of refuting his opinion by statistics and proof they simply seem to agitate. Alas they are women!!!

Link to the controversial news

From : Me

I really do not have much knowledge of what the so called feminists claim to be or demand for. In fact I even feel they are one of the most misunderstood lots. I don’t even think any intelligent feminist would blindly say consider me as equal as a man…If at all she would, the context in which she might have said that has to be given due weight age.

Nevertheless, it is a known fact that discrimination has been and is being done on the basis of sex. Denying education, a good living and in many cases, even birth owing to your sex is gruesome.

I have often felt that people in the relatively upper strata, like us, often fail to understand the nuances of discrimination being done. But the true stories from a remote Indian village might paint a different picture that you might want to brood over.

Moreover, personally I would never argue to consider me equal to Einstein; Not even Madam Curie or Shakunthala Devi. But I certainly know that I can be better in certain job profiles than a lot other peer male/female members I have worked with. So if I “can” do a particular job better than some one else, just don’t discriminate because I am a female. Again, please don’t expect me to do a certain thing only in a certain way because I am a female. !! That is what I call a fair playing ground.

Quite often, human mind loses its rationality and once the mob psyche overtakes, the only thing they are capable of doing is agitate. This is true to both men and women. We have innumerous riots and violent attacks spread all over the history to prove this point- Lead by both men and women.


Our discussion stopped here. I am not sure if we both reached on the same page or if we just agreed to disagree. But I did take a look at the link Mr.B sent and from that I learnt that -
Mr. Summers was just expressing a suggestion at a conference on women and minorities in science and engineering. It was neither his research finding nor was he voicing the opinion of Harvard. Probably the guy just needs better coaching as to how to use his freedom of speech more sensibly on sensitive issues especially when he sits of hefty chairs.

As far as the agitation staged by women who felt offended, well it is natural to feel offended, but there certainly could have been a better way of doing it!!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

10 Things Posted Bold On My Walls

  1. Never give an advice unless it is Requested. You are denying yourself the opportunity to say ‘you asked for it!’- People will hate it anyway.
  2. Never volunteer to take up a job that was Not assigned to you, especially if it was left unfinished and abandoned by a less competent person.
  3. Never think you can perfectly understand a situation from some one else’s shoes. You have only one shoes and that is yours.
  4. Never say Never. You most likely will end up doing the same.
  5. Attitude implants are rejected by the brain in 99% of the cases (Courtesy - Calvin)
  6. You have a right to be immature and stubborn when you choose to; It is unfair for one person to always pay the price for being the more matured one
  7. Quit fooling yourself with the cliché “S/he is just like my own sis/bro”. The stress is on the word like. S/he never was , is or will be
  8. Quit asking questions if you have no honest interest in the answers, what ever that may be.
  9. If you have an emotional outburst to pen down something, do it immediately. The waves never reach the fort walls once the tide goes down.
  10. Do not borrow some one else’s post it points.

    Current emotion: extremely pissed off, vexed and feeling lonely
    A Confession : I lied. I never posted them on my walls. They make the place look dirty.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

An Ode to God's own country- Part 2

I love this song for it portrays a simple, but serene picture of the richness and diversity of the art, culture and folklore history of Kerala. The slightly difficulty classical notes adds to the grandiose of the song

For some reason we had to record the song in two parts. So please play the part 1 in the previous blog first if you want to enjoy the whole song in its fullness

  • this is an audio post - click to play
  • An Ode to Gods Own Country Part 1

    My good Friend Ash wanted this song for some competition. We learned this song in school and she 'politely demanded' me to sing and record the song for her. Thankfully, Neena came to visit me this week end with her hubby and we took some precious time out of our hectic week end and traveled down the memory lane to hum this…for the sake of our friendship, and of course due to genuine fear of threat ;)

    Ash, the giggles and interruptions between the song was due to our naughty husbands sitting right behind us, and of course a couple of bottles of Johnny walker and Irish coffee as accompaniments… Please bear with!

    this is an audio post - click to play

    Monday, February 06, 2006

    My Insanities

    I talk, I bathe and I weep. So what? Everyone talks everyone bathes and everyone weeps. Its not like I hunt, I kill or I kick asses…which I very much wish I did under certain circumstances at least. So what is it about my talking, bathing and weeping?

    I am obsessed…So is it one more to the list? No, I am obsessed with talking, bathing and weeping.

    Fear not, I don’t talk to real people who are kind enough to stop by and greet me. But I talk to myself. Sometimes quiet, sometimes loud, always with vivacious expressions and at times with exaggerated hand movements. You can secretly observe me doing this mostly when I am in the passenger seat of my car, or when I am in the middle of my lengthy make up rituals or when I am in the company of boring people. I wouldn’t encourage you to secretly observe me when I am in restrooms or fitting rooms, so we can cross that off the list. In short when ever I am not engaged in any sort of meaningful or meaningless activities, I talk. I talk with real life people I know, in an imaginary context or some times in a previously occurred context. I talk my part of the dialogues while I clearly visualize the other person(s) delivering their part in front of me. Just like in real life, the other party can be mean to me at times. But in my imaginary talks, I grant myself the freedom to rewind and improvise my dialogues if I feel the need.

    I must have started this habit in my teens to prepare myself for an elocution competition, or to face my secret crush. This even helped me in interviews, group discussions, television shows and emceeing. During my college days I was over occupied by my real life friends, activities and never ending phone calls. I could talk non stop over the phone for a whole night and yes I had friends who would patiently listen to me through out the night. But once I came to the land of opportunities, I got practically tongue tied as none of my close confidantes or patient listeners are around. My current room mate, who also happens to be my lawfully wedded husband, believes in the principle of KISS. No, he doesn’t mean one of those mushy hallmark kisses, not even the creamy Hershey’s kisses. He meant “Keep it short, stupid”!! So there I am, all alone with no one to engage in my never ending conversations. The mocking smile of my calling card bills increased my pain. Thus once again my imaginary hub of people came alive around me.

    I adorn various personas while in these conversations. My age, profession, location, accent and even attitude changes with each persona I choose. I can easily fit into different peoples’ shoes and feel how it feels to be them. I have political debates with world leaders and pep talks with glam girls. I involve in managerial strategy talks and give lectures on how to improve our entertainment industry. The best part of all is that I always have my close ones around…SB and LN brings me all the good news I want to hear, SS advises me what to do next in every stalemate situation, PR corrects my accent when ever I go wrong and TK chides me every time I goof up.. I made GK and SN thoroughly understand that I am way too good for them and I repeatedly tell AV and MM how much I still miss them…That is my first obsession.

    Let’s move on to the second. I bathe. Apart for the very obvious hygienic reasons, I bathe for the pure pleasure of it. At times when I am so bored and can’t think of anything else to do, I bathe. I also take bath if I am depressed or not in my usual spirits. The closed corners of the tub and the cover of the shower curtain give me an exclusive seclusion from the rest of the world when ever I want to disconnect. I like my water hot, scalding hot to be specific. I can stand in the shower for a very long time as long as the hot water trickles down my body keeping every cell warm and cozy. I stand with my back to the shower, my chin touching my chest and let the hot water fall on the back of my neck…It makes me say every time “Ooh la la…this is heaven on earth!!”. To me this is a highly refreshing and religious exercise that lifts my mind, body and spirit to a higher state. Please wait before you conclude this is the heights of insanity.

    There comes my next obsession…I weep. Being very loyal to my sex, I do weep on almost all of the very obvious and predictable situations…But other than that, I weep, as a sort of cleansing myself. There are times when I lie down on my terrace, watching the moon. Untold emotions and anxieties rush in from the darkness and wells up my eyes. I am not always sad as one might think when I cry this way. Really, am not sad at all...and once I cry, I feel quite light and relieved. I could very well relate to a monsoon cloud dying to relieve itself as falling rain! Ironically I feel happy once I cry.

    Are you still reading…?? Jeez you must be really obsessed with other peoples’ insanities…You are so insane…duh!!!

    Thursday, January 05, 2006

    For the good old days of the past and for the joys of tomorrow..

    Christmas and New Year seasons have to be the most wonderful time of the year as the famous song rightly puts it. In spite of the cold weather, people maintain a very high spirit and tend to be more kind, caring, loving and giving than ever. I wonder if it’s the hope that you will be judged and rewarded accordingly every time this year, that instigates this super nice syndrome in every one or is it just the happiness and joy of convivial togetherness that is reflecting in every action.

    The one ubiquitous thing associated with any festival is the hype that comes with it. There is much hype about New Year during Christmas season. So Manoj and I went all the way up to the great New York City to witness the New York extravaganza on this Christmas Eve. There was indeed a maddening and highly disoriented crowd around the famous Rockefeller centre. The St. Patrick’s church was over booked and the entrance was closed long before the midnight mass. There was blinding colors and lights and a tsunami of people (seemingly tourists) moving around Time Square region. But other than that I found nothing amusing about the entire place. If we think logically, there is not a single day when New York is not crowded. There is not a single day when there are no lights or tourists in New York City. There is not a single day when the highly expensive shops in Fifth Avenue are not decorated efficaciously to lure the shopping fiends. Except for the huge Christmas tree at the Rockefeller centre there was hardly anything new about the place. I couldn’t help but compare this to the one week long Onam celebrations in my dear old Gods own country with extensive decorations stretching far and wide and non stop cultural, entertainment and dining booths present all over the palace ground. Nevertheless being at New York City for Christmas is a big deal in itself and I must admit that watching the adept ice skaters at the special ice rink in front of the Christmas tree at Rockefeller centre is a marvelous experience. I would have definitely tried skating there this time had I not been so ashamed of falling down a zillion times in front of a million people. So, contented with that we went back home promising to return next time as expert or at least decent skaters of course.

    Having had an opportunity to compare the taste between hype and reality we were happy to have already booked tickets to go to Chicago to be with our friends for New Year instead of falling for the ‘New year ball drop at Time Square is the biggest thing in the whole wide world’ hype. Later reports from a few other colleagues of ours, who did fall for this bait, confirmed that our decision was right. On 30th December we flew to Chicago and were met at the airport by our very good friend Greeshma. Greeshma and Satheesh moved to Chicago from New Jersey and we have been missing their company ever since. We drove to their home in Naperville which is a pleasant and calm city with innumerous shopping malls around. The apartment was nice and as usual Greesh had kept it spick and span (much unlike me) and I enjoyed watching the way her creativity sparkled at every nook and corner of the house. But sadly I was having a slight fever that day and I was half doped on the antibiotics so all I could do as soon as I reached her home was to sleep for a while. Once I woke up I felt much better and was all set to rock. Satheesh was home from office after a while and Biju-Rehana joined us from St. Louis a little later. Now the real mood was set in of being home for holidays.

    As typical of any holiday, we ate, drank and took lot of pictures. The star attraction of the group was Biju’s Canon SLR digital camera which made all of us look far more beautiful than we really are. All of us, especially the girls were giving their best poses and smiles in front of the lenses… Holidays are not just about having fun. It is also about telling others, ‘how much fun we had’ (probably more than you?) and giving proofs in pictures. So even if you just had a fight with your spouse, make sure you give a cheese in front of the cam!!

    We still did not have a place to go for the New Year eves party. It was too late to get tickets for the one place we all had agreed upon. The various interests of the people made it even more difficult to find an agreeable place. Greesh n myself wanted a place with good dance floors preferably a Latin club. Manoj and satheesh wanted a place where there was an open bar. Biju and Rehana were blissfully free from most of the indulgence based vices and hence the decision had to be cost effective for tea totalers. Eventually after much confusion, accusations, phone calls and rejections we came across a club called Sangria which met all the required criteria and the tickets were booked online. So on Dec 31st we all decided to go to Chicago down town, around noon, to visit the main tourist spots of the city and from there go to the club later in the night.

    Though the plans were all set, they were drastically altered as one of the ladies wanted to straighten her curly hair. She has nice shoulder length hair which falls into intricate curls at the end. I always thought it looked pretty. But she wanted to straighten it for the Big new year day and Murphy’s law was acting in full swing on her and this in turn took a very long time. I must say that she is an amazing perfectionist but sadly she doesn’t believe in the policy of a contingency plan and/or an alternate plan in anything. So she was bent on getting her hair straightened no matter what obstacles came up and she did succeed in it…How ever this made her pathee dev quite intimidated and the rest of the crowd was trying to be highly diplomatic in pacifying both of them so that we can all pose together with a cheese in front of the cam again!!

    By night fall (It was just 4:30 pm, but the night did fall !!) we caught a train to Chicago down town. It was a one hour journey. So I got some time to wander in my thoughts. The train was moderately crowded. A good number of passengers were youngsters traveling to down town for the NYE celebration. Another section of the crowd seemed to be totally oblivious of the ‘importance’ of the day. Some of them were worn out from work, some of them had a painful concern in their eyes about their burdens, and some of them were way too less pretty to hang out in a club when compared to the rather sophisticated and highly made up gorgeous girls that occupied the majority of the seats. This made me wonder about the vanity of the being beautiful. Are we really beautiful or are we just as beautiful as what others think we are or even worse, what we think others think we are?

    I did some personal introspection. I have reasonably beautiful eyes. But if I want to go for a special function, read as any gathering of people where I know I am going to be judged, I would not want to go without my colored contact lenses. I would never even think of going there wearing my thick glasses. Once my long nails got chipped just before a party and I got so frustrated that I stuck them back with a glue stick! A good friend of mine took pity on me seeing this and he brought me a couple of cosmetic attachable nails from US, which was not available in India at that time. Some one is hysteric about a bead in their bracelet facing the wrong side, some one is upset for the eye shades don’t gel well, some one is mad for their hair is frizzy and some one is furious for their shoes are one shade lighter !!! Not to mention the numerous ads for liposuction, augmentations, plastic surgeries and face lifts.

    When it comes to the fairer sex, is their beauty all about following the standards set by the fashion icons through popular fashion bibles? Can we be really beautiful only if we have a size 4 body with a spotless glowing skin, green eyes, silky hair, well done nails, stunning clothes and matching paraphernalia? Have we lost complete confidence in the natural looks that our gene pool has blessed us with , that even stepping out of the house without doing considerable modifications on ourselves would become garish? Do we still believe that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder or is it long over written by the new phrase ‘beauty is very much within reach of only those with a good bank balance’?

    A sudden out rush of people told me that we have reached Chicago down town. This is a beautiful city with closely packed high rising building. The architecture is very modern and highly creative. Even the buildings seemed to stress more on their appearance though I couldn’t understand what practical purpose would most of the protruding corners would serve any how? The chief attraction of the town is Sears Tower which is one of the tallest buildings in N. America. We went on top of it and had a very good view of the city. The lake shore drive around the city is also supposed to be very amusing just like its Navy pier. But we had to skip these two because of our time constraints and uncontrollable hunger. We were practically starving the whole day. So we rushed down. We met an Indian Cab driver and asked him directions to a nice Indian restaurant. Based on what he said we strutted 4 blocks in the chilling wind only to find a third class mafia style restaurant inside a congested alley and we ladies thought it was way too below our standard to step foot inside. So we walked again and eventually found a nice restaurant called ‘Athena’. I can’t quite remember what happened for the next one and a half hours as every one was busy ordering their dishes and hogging them generously. Once we were done with the dinner Greeshma and I headed to the rest room to change into our party wears.

    The fashion bible says that girls in clubs have to wear partially revealing clothes which should mostly look as if the tailor forgot to stitch a couple of loose ends together. As we couldn’t walk in the chilling cold of down town in tattered clothes, we packed them in a bag, including our high heeled stilettos and made our husbands carry the bags so that we could change into them just before we go to the party. Also we had to put on some additional layer of colors on our faces to disguise our real selves. One lady who walked into the rest room while we were half way through our ‘hide your real self process’ thought that we work at the restaurant and we were changing from our uniforms to go out some were for the new year night!!

    Once we were all set we got a cab and drove to ‘Sangria’ club for the big night. Despite the fact that we had VIP tickets which said we would not have to wait in a Queue to get inside the club, we were made to stand outside in the cold for about half an hour along with a bunch of others. Biju said this was a part of the publicity stunts by all clubs to make their club look to be in high demand. Once we got inside the club I found the place to be neat, though crowded. The management was still re arranging table to make space for the dance floor. The coat check in was not yet in place so every one was practically walking up and down disoriented. Manoj and Satheesh headed straight to the Open bar and spend most of their time there. Biju was kind enough to keep a watchful eye on the girls before we wander too far away. The DJ was not so impressive. He did play mixtures of Spanish-hip hop and bhangra songs. I and Greeshma danced sporadically. We even got hit on by a tall girl who was too eager to know all about Indians. But when her interest in us started getting too queer we politely excused ourselves from her. The night went on with occasional dancing, drinking, resting, ogling, comparing, ridiculing, criticizing and checking time every once in a while to know how much longer we have to be in 2005.

    Finally the count down started. Thanks to the effect of the open bar the macho guys also decided to shed their macho ness and agreed to dance with us in the dance floor. They seemed to be more comfortable when they were in the dark corners of the dance floor where no one could clearly see what they are trying to do…Nevertheless, we all danced together and welcomed 2006 with the famous Auld Lang Song and blasting balloons that were dropped all over form the ceiling. We danced and spent time there a little longer and then headed back home.

    All through the street there were drunken revelers mostly youngsters, at times fighting with each other and other times lost in love. We were too occupied trying to catch a cab to enjoy these live entertainments around us. Another one hour long train journey took us back to home. After spending some time reviewing the pictures of the day and making personal notes of how we can improvise the next day, we all crashed.

    The First day of the New Year:

    Satheesh and Manoj were very keen on skiing and they made the first resolution of the year that they both would wake up early in the morning and make the rest of us also get up so that we can go skiing to Wisconsin early enough !! But alas, the first resolution of the year was broken even before they could wake up on the first day of the year as no one was up before 10 a.m on that day. All of us were too lackadaisical from the previous nights hang over and it was 12 noon by the time we all got out of the house. We had a late brunch at the Wendy’s and then headed to the skiing area called Four lakes. This was a near by ski location with moderate mountains perfect for beginners. Greesh and I were not sure if we wanted to ski owing to the big falls we had last year. But Manoj and Satheesh were all set to go. We convinced Biju and Rehana also to put on the skis and in a few minutes all of us were in the snow walking, climbing, skiing, falling, yelling for help and laughing at each other!! The skiing as such was not as eventful as last years may be because most of us had become more adept and there were less ludicrous mistakes all through. Manoj and Satheesh had improved noticeable. Rehana was doing way too good for a beginner. Biju had this funny fluorescent blue cap with a pointy end that looks like there is a palm on top of his head waving at you…This gave his pictures a funnier twist and later he was indeed crucified by everyone. In return he targeted me as the victim and spread rumors that I shouted at a little kid on my way asking him to move from my trail and desperately shouted “Mooove Mooove…Mooovedaaaa” !!!

    Just before we wound up the skiing, we all posed for pictures with poles. Biju a.k.a Mr. B was not yet done with making fun of me…so he posed for the picture with an expression as if he is skiing into the mouth of a hungry tiger and claimed that’s how I looked like when I was skiing. But unfortunately for him he did not even have his skis on his feet and it looked highly funny to see some one standing on the snow on his two solid boots with full grip and looking as scared as a little mouse trying to yell for help…The picture was made even more hilarious as Satheesh and Manoj were looking at all this ‘Tamasha’ and laughing at him for his Oscar winning performance…Sadly the rest of world will not get to see this picture of the year as Mr. B smartly deleted it off all the system before we could make any more copies of it.

    That night, under Rehana’s and Greeshma’s leadership we had sumptuous Malabar cuisine dinner with ghee rice, chicken and all. Greeshma’s friend Priya also joined us. She is a bubbling packet of energy and never gets tired of talking. We had long talks, interesting discussion, belly aching laughs in the company of light champagne !!

    The next day it was time to say good bye. Manoj and I headed home first. The parting was sad, but we are hopeful to re unite some where again, very soon indeed

    For auld lang syne, my dearFor auld lang syne,We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yetFor auld lang syne!

    Happy New Year wishes to all….!!!