Friday, January 01, 2010

Once in a Blue Moon….

The last time I ever checked this space, I was living solo…living the wild life by my rules, enjoying the silence and being the boss….

2 years and 9 months later, here I pause and take a deep breath as I am writing this, the life has changed like a mixed up movie reel… The actors have aged and so have their character outfits…what was wild and insane has been replaced with delicate and mundane…The silence of solitude has given way to banal cries of the worldly chaos…Love and romance feels like a thing of the past…In the midst of this long run, as I stop momentarily, turn back and look at the dry leaves that has covered the path behind…all I can feel is the rhythm of the heart and the cold wind wiping the sweat off my forehead.

It was a good run, a pretty good run I must say…The American dream is blossoming slowly…with a rewarding and satisfying job, a roof over the head that I can call my own and the most precious bundle I ever held – the one with tiny little toes, a wiggly torso and an angelic face with the cutest smile looks up and calls me Mom…could I ask for any more…? Yet the missing star shall always remain the perfect one!

It is intriguing how the human mind always goes back to what we have consciously given up either by choice or lack of it…The more you make a good life, you also accumulate the ‘good old days’…the more you commit to some one, the more you want freedom…the more you walk away from something, the more you miss it dearly…the more power and responsibilities you seek and earn, the more you yearn for a simpler life…yet none of us would be happy or content if things never changed!

It a new year!A new beginning? Probably not….over the many years you come to realize that the only thing new about a new year is a calendar or a diary! Resolutions are often broken even before the first page of the calendar is flipped… For all practical purposes, for most of us, it is just another day…and for some of us it is a day with an acute hangover…Oh how I envy them!

What the New Year does bring, is an opportunity to reflect….the media, the books, the talk show hosts, they all spend the last few days of the year reflecting on the past 12 months. Everything is weighed on a balance one last time, juxtaposed against other similar events from the past and predictions about what future may bring.

And for those of us who have been busy running on the life track, it’s the time to pause and give respect to those pebbles you went passed unnoticed, those dry leaves you crushed under your feet, that occasional stranger who smiled back at you and the tiny little flower that stuck on your sleeve and has since then moved into your heart!

A bright 2010 that was indeed made special by a blue moon is beckoning all of us…Eager to know where the path is taking me on this track, I sprint forward…